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Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 1983;12(1): 65-69.
Laser Surgery in Neurosurgical Diseases.
Chang Rak Choi, Myung Soo Ahn, Jae Han No, Young Park, Yong Kil Hong
Department of Neurosurgery, St. Paul's Hospital, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
The laser is a new surgical modality that utilizes high intensity beams of radiant energy to vaporize or coagulate tissue. Radiant energy is generated by stimulated emission of photons, resulting in a unidirectional monochromatic beam that is temporary coherent small diameter beams of great power density are achievable by this means. The author reviewed 12 months experience with a CO2 laser involving neurosurgical operations. 29 neurosurgical lesion, i, e. brain tumor 17 intracerebral hemorrhage 10, cerebral paragonimiasis 1, and arteriovenous malformation 1, were removed with the use of Shaplan, CO2 laser since 1981. We have conclude that there had been a significant reduction in blood loss and neurological morbidity through it was readily conceded that the number of operations were relatively small. The particular advantages of the combination of CO2 laser and microscope were felt to be precision, reduction of mechanical trauma, good hemostasis and low cost. Especially the blood loss and replacement during operation have been reduced.
Key Words: CO2 laser; Brain mass; Hemostasis
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